A pre-release version, with over 400 3dmf models is available for $49. And you can create custom lighting effects and view models from anywhere in your new 3D world. The first of Vertigo Technology's super-cool line of 3D component applications, Vertigo 3D Dizzy lets you easily load 3D models, change their size, color, texture, orientation and position. QD3D plug-in for Adobe software from Vertigo Or send an email with ideas of how QD3D could be used in a Director project. Also, please submit any QD3D-Director sample projects to be displayed in our gallery. To learn how, check out this article by David Anderson that appeared in the MacroMedia User Journal. With the new QD3D Xtra for Director 5.0, you can easily incorporate interactive 3D into your games, CDs or presentations. Incorporate real 3D into your interactive multimedia projects And don't forget to download and try the new version of TextureEyes, with real-time 3D painting

If you haven't updated your copy of THE MUTATRON, do so today. If image-manipulation speed or super fast model-visualization makes or breaks your bottom line, the Thunder 3D will change the way you work with and think about 3D.Ĭheck out the Viewers page to get hands-on experience with QD3D demo and sample applications.

The Radius Thunder 3D graphics card (now shipping) is optimized to deliver lightning fast acceleration for QuickDraw 3D or RAVE. This includes libraries, sample code, debug extensions and more. For PowerMacs or Pentiums running Win95/WinNTĭevelopers take note: The QD3D 1.5 SDKs for both PowerMac & Win95/NT are now available in the Developers Only section of the Download page.