VAT, Customs and Duties for all orders shipping Or you can refund your payment within 2 hours if you are not satisfied with the new estimated delivery time. However, we may sometimes run out due to sudden demand, in which case we will notify you within 24 hours from the order date, Newtech customer service will call to notify you about the delivery time and inform you of the date we expect to receive more stock.

This is the second option you can use to track your order, if you don’t have your order ID or your email but you have the carrier tracking number, you will also be able to track your order to know the current status, add the tracking number only and click on track to get your order and the shipment status.Īll items are normally held in stock. Once you fill out the needed information, click on track to get your order and the shipment status. You will receive the order ID once you place your order with the Newtech store, we will send it to you via email and also SMS this number starts with SA , you will also need your email registered with us during placing your order. You can track the order by clicking on the Order Tracking page on the home page, you just need a simple verified information Newtech has designed a distinct page for its customers to be able to easily track their shipments and know the status of their orders. How to track an order that has been shipped? Newtech provides Free Shipping Service on all its products, except for special products that require special shipping costs. You can add your note in the comments box if you have a special instruction for our carries or you can inform Newtech customer service when they call to verify your address. However, the shipping company is chosen through the Newtech operation team based on the product type and the product warehouse location also Newtech customer destination address, to allow us to select the best shipping solution and the fastest way. Most of our orders ship via a selected professional courier (DHL, ARAMEX, SMSA, ESNAD).

Newtech ships products from 6 warehouses in separate areas, this is to facilitate the shipping and reduce the delivery time. Newtech delivers and covers all Saudi Arabia cities using professional carriers and logistics systems to track and trace the shipments. To make it easier for Newtech customers to know the date of the delivery, Not only that but Newtech customer service team contacts customers within 24 working hours from the date of the purchase to review the order and confirm the delivery date. In order to clarify the expected delivery date for Newtech shipments, we have added the expected delivery date below each product.

These policies often cover details like costs, delivery times and dates, and what to do if the product is damaged on arrival. This policy identifies the outlines of the shipping rules or returning rules for goods via mail.